Essential Baby Items For Your Nursery

When having your first baby, knowing exactly what nursery ideas you want to use can be tough. Check out this guide for a few essential nursery ideas and nursery organization you can use for any nursery, of any size! #nurseryideas #nurseryorganizatio…

Since the beginning of my blogging journey it’s been my goal to share as much as I can about motherhood, as authentically as I can. We all learn as we go along, but I say the less trial and error the better! Little David’s nearing 2 and a half so we’re in the process of beginning to update his room to support his independence. In the midst of preparing to change out some of the items in his room I noticed I’d never shared my essential baby items for a nursery with you - so that’s what we’re gonna get into!

Whether you’re planning a large and over the top nursery, a small and cozy nursery, or just a small space in your own room to be dedicated to your new bundle of joy, there are a few basic essentials you’re going to need no matter what. These essential baby items for your nursery that I’ll share are not just needed when you bring home baby, but will also be useful in growing with baby. Little David still uses all of the items I’m about to share.

When having your first baby, knowing exactly what nursery ideas you want to use can be tough. Check out this guide for a few essential nursery ideas and nursery organization you can use for any nursery, of any size! #nurseryideas #nursery organizati…

Here are some essential baby items needed for every nursery.

Convertible Crib

A place for your baby to sleep is undoubtedly an essential baby item. If you’re opting to have a crib, make it a convertible crib. They come in various styles and sizes, but the great thing about convertible cribs is that they will grow with your baby. They will convert to at least a toddler bed, and many even convert all the way up to a full size bed. You can keep the bed frame, purchase the convertible parts and only have to change out the mattress as your child grows!

Dresser with Changing Table

If you have space and are planning for storage with a dresser, I highly suggest a large dresser that has an option to add a removable changing table on top. Many times new moms may go with a general changing table that has storage and use that as an essential baby item, and it can work. However, a dresser that has a removable changing table will grow with your baby, and is more functional. For example, I opted for a 6-drawer dresser that came with a detachable changing tray. It allowed us to attach a changing pad securely, and then we removed the tray and the changing pad once Little David had grown beyond the diaper changing stage. You can still keep the dresser and use it throughout the years!

When having your first baby, knowing exactly what nursery ideas you want to use can be tough. Check out this guide for a few essential nursery ideas and nursery organization you can use for any nursery, of any size! #nurseryideas #nurseryorganizatio…


Pack n Play

For me, a pack n play was essential because though Little David did have is own room, I was rigid about having him sleep in the room with me until I felt comfortable letting him sleep in his room once he had gotten a little over 1 year of age. So I would say if you’re not planning a full on nursery, pack n plays are definitely an essential baby item for you to plan a space in your own room for your baby. Pack n plays are also great because they serve as an awesome convertible option (they can come complete with a changing table, bouncer, and bassinet) that will grow with your baby, and they’re also travel friendly.

Glider or Rocker

One of my favorite pieces in Little David’s room is the glider/recliner. My favorite piece of advice is to get one of these for whatever space you’ll have your baby. Not only will you need a comfortable space for sitting with baby to (breast) feed them, but you’ll also want a place to get them winded down for sleep - and for you to sleep too. Plus, hopefully you’ll have grandparents and aunts/uncles, etc. that will be helping out. They’ll be grateful for a plush comfy space for sitting as well!

When having your first baby, knowing exactly what nursery ideas you want to use can be tough. Check out this guide for a few essential nursery ideas and nursery organization you can use for any nursery, of any size! #nurseryideas #nurseryorganizatio…

Blackout Curtains

If you want your baby to sleep, blackout curtains are a non negotiable essential baby item. It’s simple - they block all light at any time of day. No other explanation needed.

Sound Machine

Some people love sound machines for their babies, others not so much. The great thing about sound machines is they come programmed with sounds that babies are used to hearing while in the womb. White noise is a popular sound because it’s known to calm babies, and adults too. I say definitely add this to your list of essential baby items! They’re affordable, and our sound machine has been a lifesaver for me.

Storage Options

When your baby comes, so does all of the things that will come along with him or her. Babies are high maintenance and require a lot of stuff. Things like their toiletries, diapers, toys, and even books need a place to go (check out my post of Best African American Baby Books for Boys here!) Because of this, to stay organize, you will need storage options. There are all kinds of storage options, from baskets, to bins, and one of my favorite space saving hacks: special organizational tools for your closet! Pottery Barn Kids also has this changing table runner we purchased with Little David’s name embroidered on it. Not only was it extremely functional because of the additional storage space and often used, but it added a beautiful personalized touch to the nursery too.


Here are a few other random essential baby items that you will use through the toddler stage.

Temporal thermometer

Not sure if you’ve ever tried to take a baby or toddler’s temperature, whether under their armpit or rectally, but sometimes it can be a challenge. One of my best friend’s gifted me a temporal thermometer, and I shamelessly had no idea what it was. I quickly learned to use it right after those 2 month vaccinations, and every time Little David has gotten sick. He’s in daycare too, so that’s been pretty often.

Snot Sucker

To go along with your sick baby care kit, make sure you have a good snot sucker on deck. You can do anything from the old school bulb to the popular Nose Frida. Either way, make sure you have something that’s gonna suck out snot.


Also to go along with your sick baby care kit, a humidifier is an essential baby item you’ll want in your nursery. When these kids get the sniffles, they get very uncomfortable, understandably. A good, cool mist humidifier moistens the air and helps them cough up the junk! If you haven’t checked out my previous blogpost on Basic Essentials to Care for Your Sick Baby, read it here!

Air Purifier

While not required, we made sure we had an air purifier for Little David’s room. We’re not always on schedule with cleaning out the air ducts so we want to make sure we’re not habitually recycling old and/or bad air in his room. You can definitely tell the difference in the air quality when comparing a room that has an air purifier to one that doesn’t.

When having your first baby, knowing exactly what nursery ideas you want to use can be tough. Check out this guide for a few essential nursery ideas and nursery organization you can use for any nursery, of any size! #nurseryideas #nurseryorganizatio…

Well, those are all of the items I think are essential for any nursery, or small space that you create for your baby. Remember, you can create a safe haven for your baby no matter the size! Remember to check out my channel on YouTube and see our full nursery tour. If you love this post, please comment, share and pin!

Until next time!