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Black Woman Quotes to Love Yourself from 4 Famous and Inspiring Black Women

Black women quotes and love yourself quotes are something I lean on when I need major inspiration. As women, we deal with many things that may challenge our self esteem and get in the way of us loving ourselves. If you’re a mom or wife, chances are you probably don’t take care of yourself like you should either. If you’re a black woman, you likely have also had your battle with loving things about yourself like the shape of your body, your hair texture, and maybe even the hue of your skin tone because, well, the media and the dominant society.

Naturally, we’re self critical and now in the age of social media things are amplified. You may even find that you start looking at others, what they have or are doing, and get down on yourself. As the saying goes, comparison is the thief of joy and it’s time you care for you! Quotes from black women are just what you need to keep you grounded.

As a part of my self care journey as a wife and mother, not only do I take time for me, but I also give myself positive affirmations and love reading words and black woman quotes from four of my favorite beautiful, amazing, and talented black women. They all exude confidence, poise, and sophistication, yet confirm the need to love yourself, have confidence, and never give up. Keep some of these Love yourself and confident woman quotes in your back pocket when you feel unsure of yourself, need to care for yourself, or just need a positive pick me up!

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Get into these confident woman and black woman quotes to gas you up and get you inspired!


We all know Beyonce’. She’s a mega super star, a mother, and a business woman. Her music often resonates a theme of girl power, the need to love yourself, and to never take crap from anyone.

“Be healthy and take care of yourself, but be happy with the beautiful things that make you, you.”

“Your self-worth is determined by you. You don’t have to depend on someone telling you who you are.”

“I don’t like to gamble, but if there’s one thing I’m willing to bet on, it’s myself.”

“I have learned that it is no one else’s job to take care of me but me. ”

“Thank God I found the good in goodbye!”


Dr. Maya Angelou

Born Marguerite Ann Johnson, Maya Angelou was a poet, civil rights activist, and author. She empowered black women through her writing and speeches. Her contributions to African American culture were enormous.

“I am grateful to be a woman. I must have done something great in another life.”

“Stand up straight and realize who you are. That you tower over your circumstances. You are a child of God. Stand up straight.”

“Nothing can dim the light that shines from within.”

“Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option.”

“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.”


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Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama is an attorney, author, and notably the first African American First Lady of the United States. She is a well known scholar, holding degrees from both Princeton University and Harvard Law School. Michelle Obama often speaks about her roles as a mother and wife, yet still maneuvers as her own woman with her own identity.

“Don’t ever make decisions based on fear. Make decisions based on hope and possibility.”

“Your story is what you have, what you will always have. It is something to own.”

“Don’t ever underestimate the importance you can have because history has shown us that courage can be contagious and hope can take on a life of its own.”

“Am I good enough? Yes, I am. “

“…always stay true to yourself and never let what somebody says distract you from your goals”


Misty Copeland

Misty Copeland is the first African American woman principal dancer in the American Ballet Theater. She has defied the status quo and achieved goals when she was told she couldn’t because of the way she looked. She is an inspiration to little brown girl dancers everywhere.

“Start unknown, finish unforgettable.”

“This is for the little brown girls.”

“You can do anything you want, even if you are being told negative things. Stay strong and find motivation.”

“You can start late, look different, be uncertain, and still succeed.”

“Speak up for yourself and what you believe in. You can still be an elegant woman and be strong and powerful.”


I hope these black woman quotes from great black women are words you can use to get you through the times that you start to doubt yourself. Remember, whatever it is, with a some action, self care, self love, and reciting these love yourself quotes, you’re sur to reach the stars and accomplish whatever goals you set out to achieve.

If you liked this post, be sure to check out these 100 “Woman with Confidence” Quotes from Iconic Black Women, these Morning Affirmations for Black Women, and 9 Things to Stop Doing to Live Your Best Life!

Do you have any positive affirmations, scriptures, quotes, or other inspiration you rely on to get you through tough times? If so, please share them with me in the comments.



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